This program is for graduate students and post-docs. We expect to be able to fund up a number of students, early career researchers and students from third-world countries.
The OPSF summer schools are organized by the Orthogonal Polynomials,
Special Functions and Applications (OPSFA)
Steering Committee.
The OPSF-S6 program consists of a one-week summer
school for graduate students and early career researchers to be held in Summer 2016
on the campus of the University of Maryland. It will focus on orthogonal
polynomials and special functions, and feature lectures delivered by top researchers in
their fields.
8:30 - 8:45 am | WELCOME | |
8:45 - 9:35 am | q-Taylor series and Summation theorems | Ismail |
9:35 – 9:55 am | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
9:55 – 10:45 am | Transformations and q-Hermite Polynomials | Ismail |
10:45 – 11:30 am | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Ismail |
11:30 – 1:00 pm | LUNCH (1 hour 30 minutes) | |
1:00 – 1:50 pm | Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions I | Rosengren |
1:50 – 2:10 pm | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
2:10 – 3:00 pm | Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions II | Rosengren |
3:00 – 3:45 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Rosengren |
3:45 – 3:55 pm | INTERMISSION (10 minutes) | |
3:55 – 4:45 pm | Spectral Theory and Special Functions I | Koelink |
4:45 – 5:05 pm | BREAK (20 minutes) | |
5:05 – 5:55 pm | Spectral Theory and Special Functions II | Koelink |
5:55 – 6:40 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Koelink |
8:45 - 9:35 am | The classical and classical discrete families | Durán |
9:35 – 9:55 am | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
9:55 – 10:45 am | The Askey tableau. Krall and exceptional polynomials. Darboux Transforms | Durán |
10:45 – 11:30 am | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Durán |
11:30 – 1:00 pm | LUNCH (1 hour 30 minutes) | |
1:00 – 1:50 pm | Orthogonal Polynomials and Combinatorics I | Zeng |
1:50 – 2:10 pm | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
2:10 – 3:00 pm | Orthogonal Polynomials and Combinatorics II | Zeng |
3:00 – 3:45 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Zeng |
3:45 – 3:55 pm | INTERMISSION (10 minutes) | |
3:55 – 4:45 pm | The Askey-Wilson polynomials and Operators | Ismail |
4:45 – 5:05 pm | BREAK (20 minutes) | |
5:05 – 5:55 pm | Rodrigues formulas and summation theorems | Ismail |
5:55 – 6:40 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Ismail |
8:45 - 9:35 am | Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions III | Rosengren |
9:35 – 9:55 am | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
9:55 – 10:45 am | Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions IV | Rosengren |
10:45 – 11:30 am | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Rosengren |
11:30 – 1:00 pm | LUNCH (1 hour 30 minutes) | |
1:00 – 1:50 pm | Spectral Theory and Special Functions III | Koelink |
1:50 – 2:10 pm | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
2:10 – 3:00 pm | Spectral Theory and Special Functions IV | Koelink |
3:00 – 3:45 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Koelink |
3:45 – 3:55 pm | INTERMISSION (10 minutes) | |
3:55 – 4:45 pm | D-operators | Durán |
4:45 – 5:05 pm | BREAK (20 minutes) | |
5:05 – 5:55 pm | Constructing Krall polynomials by using D-operators | Durán |
5:55 – 6:40 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Durán |
8:45 - 9:35 am | Orthogonal Polynomials and Combinatorics III | Zeng |
9:35 – 9:55 am | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
9:55 – 10:45 am | Orthogonal Polynomials and Combinatorics IV | Zeng |
10:45 – 11:30 am | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Zeng |
11:30 – 1:00 pm | LUNCH (1 hour 30 minutes) | |
1:00 – 1:50 pm | q-series identities and integrals, old and new | Ismail |
1:50 – 2:10 pm | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
2:10 – 3:00 pm | Applications | Ismail |
3:00 – 3:45 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Ismail |
3:45 – 3:55 pm | INTERMISSION (10 minutes) | |
3:55 – 4:45 pm | Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions V | Rosengren |
4:45 – 5:05 pm | BREAK (20 minutes) | |
5:05 – 5:55 pm | Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions VI | Rosengren |
5:55 – 6:40 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Rosengren |
8:45 - 9:35 am | Spectral Theory and Special Functions V | Koelink |
9:35 – 9:55 am | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
9:55 – 10:45 am | Spectral Theory and Special Functions VI | Koelink |
10:45 – 11:30 am | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Koelink |
11:30 – 1:00 pm | LUNCH (1 hour 30 minutes) | |
1:00 – 1:50 pm | First expansion of the Askey tableau. Exceptional polynomials: discrete case | Durán |
1:50 – 2:10 pm | COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) | |
2:10 – 3:00 pm | Exceptional polynomials: continuous case. Second expansion of the Askey tableau | Durán |
3:00 – 3:45 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Durán |
3:45 – 3:55 pm | INTERMISSION (10 minutes) | |
3:55 – 4:45 pm | Orthogonal Polynomials and Combinatorics V | Zeng |
4:45 – 5:05 pm | BREAK (20 minutes) | |
5:05 – 5:55 pm | Orthogonal Polynomials and Combinatorics VI | Zeng |
5:55 – 6:40 pm | EXERCISES (45 minutes) | Zeng |